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  书法艺术名家 陈劲财 金星 艺栈
  chjc.sh1122.com   国际服务席号: 6311
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Chen Jincai, male, the Han nationality, the word Jiang Feng, Zhai name ancient house, was born in 1971 in Fujian Pingtan, University degree. Membership China Calligrapher Association, member of the national folk Chinese Association, member of IOAC International Oriental painting and Calligraphy Art Research Association, the national painting and calligraphy teacher, senior Chinese calligraphy and Painting Academy of painting and calligraphy teacher, lifelong, Chinese Jiangdu painting and calligraphy calligrapher and painter of Huazhou painting and Calligraphy Institute, calligraphy and painting master, he Chinese painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association, executive director, supervisor of Huaihai the art of calligraphy will.





            陈劲财作品1                                   陈劲财作品2
     Artistic achievement: his childhood love of calligraphy, boating, as an analysis for the music, advocate book with human's elegant and moving, people send calligraphy three degrees and free from vulgarity realm, pond stopped, artistic hobbies, teenagers have artistic talent show, calligraphy and painting, printing, photography and calligraphy attainments, adult in the highest in the train, cursive, the script structure graceful and elegant, art of harmony and unity, well-proportioned, vigorous strong, thick strength and God smooth, pliable and unique style. Calligraphy works by the museum and the overseas compatriots, experts, friends or the forest of Steles stone. 2005 June was China Arts Association, China Calligraphy Institute awarded the "Jin Jue prize of painting and calligraphy art Chinese best award"; in 2006 June was awarded the twenty-first Century world art development the most contribution award; 2006 August Ancient Chinese Literature Search ten years of personal artistic achievement award "painting and calligraphy boutique Award"; in 2008 July was China Ancient Chinese Literature Search research China "30 years" literature the editorial board of comprehensive evaluation for Ancient Chinese Literature Search art class gold medal, entries into the load Chinese "30 years" literature and art; in 2009 March in Chinese painting and calligraphy gold ink awards contest in the creative achievement award and awarded the "people's artist" honorary title; in 2011 March was Chinese of academic research, world cultural and artistic center identified as "the most academic value and market potential of painting and calligraphy"; 2012 in love art network, established official website, the official sales shop, has created a personal project and network electronic album, received wide attention high-end collectors, entrepreneurs and peer, so get the joint report Chinese network and China broadcast networks and China painting home network and other media in 2013, love art media as "2013 most potential of painting and calligraphy art", "Chinese art into the authority press famous special publication series "2013 calligraphy works for China;" ten famous home of painting and calligraphy artworks ".





       陈劲财作品3                                            陈劲财作品4
      Works by the new century IOAC international artists grading approval of the seven stage, biography or published "contemporary art of calligraphy", China as "Chinese character dictionary" "international hard calligrapher big dictionary", "dictionary of contemporary calligraphers China" "Chinese painting and calligraphy art exhibition of the Chen", "Chinese calligraphy masters works Exhibition", "cross strait calligraphy and painting", "excellent works of contemporary masters of calligraphy and painting works", "calligraphy", "Chinese Anthology of contemporary calligraphy", "China map of contemporary art", "the world outstanding experts code", "World Chinese experts directory", "China experts dictionary" "Chinese handed down", "Chinese calligraphy ink painting and calligraphy artworks" ten famous home and several dozen home in dictionaries.





           陈劲财作品5                                   陈劲财作品6
凝重厚实   儒雅洒脱 
                                Elegant and dignified
                     Analysis of Mr. Chen Jincai calligraphy style
      Learning calligraphy, can be static, clean soul; learning calligraphy, the scholars to pursue the ideal on the other side at the same time influence people to. Book can permit "Tao" heart, this is. Art comes from life, and art must be in life nourishment, rooted in the art of living, will have a strong appeal. Since ancient times, Chinese calligraphy to intrinsic its unique charm and broad, so many book learning people lifetime effort. Especially in the trend of the age of computers, still there is a group of people, they brush across the space-time and the ancients talked about, to pursue those across the years of character. Chen Jincai was one of them. The calligraphy learning book, everyone in the efforts to explore the artistic conception and form new calligraphy, always enjoy it to the pursuit of unique calligraphy language in the tradition at the same time. Chen Jincai is such a bold innovation and broaden the new world of the artist painting and calligraphy, and with his unique artistic style of climbing on the calligraphy creation peak. He after mastering calligraphy foundation, keen to an individual way of cursive calligraphy in Ming and Qing Dynasties as the research object. The clouds; "cursive is the highest form of the art of calligraphy." Although we can't agree to this view in one hundred percent, but the difficulty of cursive is undeniable, because of its technical skill, compared with other calligraphic aesthetic cultivation has a higher realm, it is not a simple but lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy, and smooth, rich emotion, Yi is interesting, give a person with rich imagination of calligraphy works.





         陈劲财作品7                              陈劲财作品
     Chen Jincai in the creation of calligraphy itself, strongly pursuing inner calm, detached and relieved, the pursuit of freedom and the release of the individual. His calligraphy is elegant, subtle and smooth, without carve gas, artificial gas, gas and gas impetuous rivers and lakes, scholars seldom pay attention to calligraphy line of simple exercise, and more attention to the inherent spirit and overall performance. On the whole, Mr. Chen clearly has a very profound calligraphy skills. Read Mr. Chen Jincai calligraphy, let a person feel is elegant state the kind of vulgarity, taste is he in peace and quiet mood, smooth crisp brush pen, like a clear spring flowing from your heart and feel fresh, exciting. In the body, Mr. Chen Jincai's cursive most train. The cursive, the write fluent heavy point draw a clean, bright, graceful and elegant structure, composition of harmony and unity, like nature itself -- highest quality charm. From the works of view, in detention Qiao exposed dexterous in clear, unique feelings, bold show the atmosphere, deep Hua Zi in find everything fresh and new simple and natural beauty, as was the spring breeze, water to wash the heart of art to enjoy. He created the great banner as "Su Dongpo of Chibi on the" beauty of rhythm with countless changes. He is in character, to change, to point the feeling, so that to form, from the brush, ink to art, from the speed, rhythm, always in change in to reach the acme of perfection and vivid in the rhythm, the potential to can't Jie, the potential to not only, everything is casual to instead of struggling, he is not more than a moment. The pen on the Bi changeable pursuit symphony, art paper full slam on pursuit of effect, and in full, for the imaginary in practice, constitute the elegant lines and pursuit of rhythm, is to release his feelings.









       In calligraphy creation, Mr. Chen Jincai strongly promote the calligrapher to scholar. He said: "the ancient calligraphers, is the first scholar, and then is the calligrapher". He believes that it is not only to write, more important is the force of personality to the highest level this is the true art of calligraphy. Such as Li Si, Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Zheng Banqiao, Yu Youren, the great calligrapher, first they are university asked the home. They are educated, One's mind, as the book for the outstanding. Mr. Chen Jincai was walking along the road to learning, he read widely read, very taste. He is versatile, not only proficient in calligraphy, is also longer than the lettering, also have high attainments in photography. Mr. Chen and I talked several times, repeatedly stressed the importance of literature, knowledge and tradition of calligraphy. He knew, no culture, no profound traditional calligraphy skills, finally lost not just their own charm of calligraphy, but also influence the development and progress of the future. But now Mr Chen Jincai success in the art of calligraphy field permit this eternal he always follow the truth.










         Come ten years, although his job changing, but he to the calligraphy art pursuit and hard and hone be consistent from beginning to end. He be like hunger and thirst to study a lot of calligraphy theory, diligently copying famous ancient rubbings, imitate the ancients, draw cord and vivid, example, learn widely from others'strong points. He often says, learn Qin fragrance can explore the source of the calligraphy, calligraphy rubbings can raise gas, Dr Tang Kai calligraphy can be strong bones, Zhang Xuzhi Xi cursive calligraphy for the charm of. In his early years he loves Weibei, Zhang Menglong, Zheng Wengong modeled; subsequent learning cursive with Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi Fateh; then learn to Zhang Xu, Huai Su for cursive. In recent years the Yu biyi. After continuous efforts over a long period of time, form their own elegant, tranquil, peaceful, elegant, fresh and energetic style, Yu Shi synchronous style book book appearance, make the attention and favor of calligraphy circles.
Every book, today will be yesterday he effort, and is the starting point for him tomorrow results. I think Chen Jincai is no exception, he still continued efforts, he The coming days would be long. Here, we rub one's eyes and wait for him to gain greater success tomorrow.




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